Studies, internships, business trips or tourism.
Economical, fast and secure.
Free and fast ad posting: unlimited rental requests, unlimited photos, availability calendar management, etc.
Global visibility : more than 30,000 daily users, from more than 30 different nationalities.
In complete safety: unpaid rent guarantee, verified tenant profiles, online booking, compensation in the event of cancellation, damage insurance.
Limited service fees: between 0% and 3% of your rent (including insurance and unpaid rent guarantee).
Discover thousands of coliving listings in hundreds of cities across Europe, according to your own criteria.
Chat with hosts for free and agree on the terms of your rental.
Verified ads and profiles , with reviews left by previous tenants.
Online booking : online booking of your room with a service fee of 15% on average (including VAT, bank charges and insurance).
Lausanne (1005) | Coliving | 1 M2
Lausanne (1005) | Coliving | 30 M2
Les Montets (1484) | Coliving | 17 M2
Les Montets (1484) | Coliving | 17 M2
Bien que je n'aie pas eu l'opportunité de rencontrer Marina en personne, j'ai beaucoup apprécié sa disponibilité et sa gentillesse lors de mon arrivée et de mon départ. Le logement était impeccable, propre et bien organisé. Un grand merci pour cette belle expérience et pour avoir mis ce logement à disposition !
Personne agréable, chambre et vue sympa je recommande.
The room was nice and comfortable, and the reception was welcoming.
Hôtesse très sympathique . Chambre et literie très agréable . Séjour parfait . Je ne manquerai pas d'y retourner .