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1 Person(s) | 1 Bedroom(s) - 1 single bed(s)
Riom, France
The exact address is communicated only when the reservation is confirmed.
Homestay | 1 space(s)
Royat at Anne Marie
14.6 km
Rents A Furnished Room Of About 12 M2 With A Double Bed (140cm), Parquet Floor. A Bathroom With Shower, Independent And Private WC. I Accept One Person Only. A Bathroom With Private Shower And WC (independent). The Whole Is Located On The Ground Floor Of The Villa, Therefore Independent. A Kitchen On The 1st Floor, Shared With The Owner. 1 Independent Refrigerator Is Available In The Laundry Room. Possibility Of Washing Clothes (4 To 6 € For A Machine)
Homestay | 1 space(s)
Beaumont at Daniel
14.5 km
Room in a luxury residence secured by a very quiet digicode, discretion requested. Shower and WC in the bedroom. Parking in residence
Homestay | 2 space(s)
Clermont-Ferrand at Dominique
11.7 km
Room With King Size Bed Very Pleasant And Spacious.
Homestay | 1 space(s)
Cournon-d'Auvergne at Christelle
18.2 km
I am looking for people who are rather discreet and have a longer stay. The premises must be maintained and remain as you found them. The house is in a dead end and quiet. A microwave, fridge and electric coffee maker are available.
Homestay | 1 space(s)
Cournon-d'Auvergne at Christelle
18.2 km
I am looking for people who are rather discreet and have a longer stay. The premises must be maintained and remain as you found them. The house is in a dead end and quiet. A microwave, fridge and electric coffee maker are available.
Homestay | 1 space(s)
Riom at Jean-paul
0.0 km
Retired 63 years old, widowed since January 2022, having been a cook then a private writer. Short-term rental, ideal for students, employees or spa guests, provided you are a non-smoker. The room includes a double bed, a desk with internet access, a bookcase, a chest of drawers and other storage furniture. The price is for accommodation only. It is possible to opt for half-board including breakfast and dinner. There is also the possibility of full-board which adds lunch to the services provided.